With all the software and big data installed on businesses computers nowadays, a decrease in computer speed and, by extension, overall performance, is a common issue. For this reason, we have outlined three ways to enhance your computer’s performance and increase productivity.

Uninstall unnecessary software

Temporary data or installation packages are a common feature amongst businesses that retain unnecessary data. These instalments decrease your computer’s performance levels by using up PC processing power, disk space, and by wasting memory. A good place to start is to delete any duplicate files or installation extension links from your computer’s downloads. For a more thorough and advanced search, each computer offers a disk clean-up built-in tool that will uncover hidden files that can then be uninstalled or deleted.

Check for spyware and viruses

Cybersecurity is a major concern for any IT business, and one of the main determinants of a security breach is slow computer speed. With new and expanding IT technologies, businesses must remain vigilant when it comes to viruses now more than ever. Frequent symptoms of spyware or viruses include frequent pop-up windows on your browser or home screen, unknown start-up programs upon turning your computer on, or signs of security breach attempts via password changes. If you require help with detecting spyware or viruses, contact us at Rapid IT for more information today.

Clear cache

Although this is a simple method, it is also often forgotten about. The cache is where temporary internet browser files are stored on your computer. By clearing your web browser’s cache, you maximise your computer’s memory by freeing up necessary disk space. This can easily be done through your web browser’s settings, by clicking the clear cache option.
With these three simple steps, your computer should hopefully be running as good as new. If you require more assistance or would like to recruit our services, contact us at Rapid IT on 1300 727 430. We offer complete virus and spyware removal, 24-hour computer support, laptop repair services, and much more.